Monday, August 11, 2014

the yes man

Colton is 14 months old today! Instead of celebrating, we're battling a nasty case of HFMD. Boo. He's been so sick and cranky with this nasty bug that few pictures have been taken. He seems a LITTLE happier today, although still not himself, so maybe, just maybe I'll be able to snap a photo of my little man.

Either way, here are some fun things Colton is doing at 14 months old:

Saying 'yes' and nodding his head to EVERYTHING! I love it. He says 'no' to nothing and I hope it stays this way!

Dancing to music ALL THE TIME. And asking for music to be turned on!

Asking to go outside ALL THE TIME.

Loving throwing things in the trash - trash, toys, whatever, he doesn't discriminate. It's hilarious.

Loving bath time - and asking to go upstairs and take a bath at least once a day.

Learning body parts - He def has belly, nose, & head down.

Signing like crazy! I'm trying to learn new signs just to keep up with him!

Obsessed with being in tiny/tight spaces for example, under the table.

Really into Boston right now. He has to pet and hug her every morning.

He eats SO well and SO much, but he recently started doing things like hiding his food underneath is tray. It's hilarious.

Obessed with the police helicopter that is constantly flying over the city.

Loves any/all trucks!

This kid is all boy. And just a joy. 

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