Friday, December 23, 2016


December.. and the start of the holiday season. We had a few unseasonably warm days.. snow.. and we're back to warm-ish again!

Broke out the bugaboo sleeping bag for a bit. 

Shorts on December 1st. 

Colton is so into projects right now. Crafting a gingerbread house :)

Colton has gotten super into playing at the gym during my class - loves these three kiddos.. and their mama. 

Story time at the library - MSPCA comes 1 day/month

Trash Day? Lawn Day? Either way, he'll be glued to the windows.

So into books. I love it.

This is his fireman costume... his fire hat and my belt around his chest. Ha.

50 cent squirt bottle - still going strong years later.

morning reading

throwback aww :)

Colton and Riva have become very close.

catching snow flakes. loved it...

...and missed bedtime. so sweet. 

dirty! all the time. boy boy boy.

thanks for the jeep, big papi. he wants to be on it 24/7

cutest snow angel you ever did see!

these three - glued together.

train mania. 

visiting dad at work :) he was really interested in why dad had to wear a hat.

Lego Land