Tuesday, June 23, 2015

he's soo two

C is going through some funny things these days - silly - things I want to remember. So I thought I'd share.

His obsession with orange shirts. For awhile now, whenever A gets home, he takes a shower, and C goes upstairs with him. After, he immediately runs to A's closet, opens it, and picks out A's only orange shirt. He insists on him wearing it. INSISTS. Now this crazy thing has grown into C always wanting to wear an orange shirt. Unfortunately, we only have two. I do usually win this battle in the morning, but once A gets home (and of course, puts on his orange shirt), C usually has to change.

His 'mink ball.' We went to Cape May a few weeks ago just for a night. We went to the grocery store and C insisted on this 50 cent pink marbled bouncy ball. I'm sure you've seen them, they're a dime a dozen. He LOVES this thing. I mean loves it. And he has other balls, including balls that bounce. So I'm not sure where this obsession came from, but he always asked for it, took it on our walks, etc. Well, before his birthday party, I decided to put it inside so we wouldn't lose it. C wound up coming inside for a while that night and must've brought 'mink ball' out when he came. I thought I brought everything in from the alley, but apparently not, because the next morning, C is BESIDE himself looking for 'mink ball' to play with. I looked EVERYWHERE - alley, street, house, everywhere. No luck. Of course, I see these balls everywhere, so I looked online to buy him a new one and can't find one. I texted our friends to see if anyone had accidentally gone home with it. No luck. So then I sent out a picture of C holding it and said, if you ever see one of these pink balls at a store, buy it, I'll pay you back! Sarah looked at Target for us - no luck. Bailey thought she saw them at CVS. Sure enough, we walked there that morning and there is a huge display of bouncy balls, mink ball included. C was so excited! You'd think that we'd find it and his obsession would be over, but no, he loves that ball. So funny. A was of course wanting him to get a different color, but he insisted on pink.

His new friend at the park.. who speaks no English. Almost every morning we take the dogs to the park to play ball. Usually, C wants to go to the park after. It's early enough that there is almost no one there and not so hot, so we go to the park to play after. The park used to have this awesome sandbox that C loved and it was removed. Instead now, there's this big dirt/sand pit that someone basically made. Every morning there's this little Chinese boy who is digging in the dirt with his grandma. He usually brings a bucket and shovels. Colton has started to play with him.. every morning. He'll bring a bucket and shovel as well, or his little mini diggers and share. The little boy is just a bit older than C - no English. His Grandma doesn't speak English either. But it is SO cute to see them interact with each other - all three of them really, not just the boys.

His 'ra' shoes. Ra is Colton language for Hot. Don't ask me why. His language has really started to improve, but for some reason he still pronounces H's as R's. I bought Colton a pair of crocs. No, they're not the cutest shoes, but they breathe and this kid has some stinky feet! A few weeks ago, he wanted to go bare foot and I let him (I know all you Rapaljes are cringing right now) and the ground was hot. I told him, hey, it's hot, put these shoes on (which were tucked in the stroller just for this reason). He put them on and said, 'no ra, warm.' Ha. Ok whatever kid. For some reason, that really stuck with him. Now when we're getting ready to go out in the morning and he has to put his shoes on, he either puts on his 'bu shoes dad' (the ones Dad got him), 'his 'bown shoes dad' (the brown shoes like dad), or his 'ra shoes' (his hot shoes). Ha.

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