Tuesday, October 14, 2014

16+ Months Old

I can't believe this kiddo is already 16 months old. I find myself uploading photos to the blog from my phone and not writing a lot about what he's doing... although you can obviously see many of the thing in the photos! So here are some funny or just impressive (to me) things C does these days..

He fake laughs when other people are laughing. Obviously he doesn't get the joke. But it's like he wants to be a part, so he fake laughs. It's hilarious.

He shakes his head no, a lot. Not sure what happened to my yes man.

He shows ABSOLUTELY no interest in people he doesn't know or know well.. until they ignore him.

He stops at all road/sidewalk crossings and asks to hold your hand.

He gets ridiculously excited when he sees a friend.. particularly Ben.

He attempts to say Ben, Truck, Trash, Duck, Dad, Car, Dog ... they all sound the same.

He still uses his signs and it is glorious.

He runs.

He goes down the stairs like a big kid pretty well now... not the stairs in the house, but the playgorund, park, etc.

He builds towers with his blocks.. and then knocks them over.

He still prefers to be outside.

He gets ALL of his toys out EVERYDAY in EVERY room.

He eats like a CHAMP still, but breakfast is his meal of choice.

He is in awe of the big kids at the playground.

He knows sooo many body part, so many animal sounds, and understands so so much more than I thought possible. It's just incredible.

This kid is just the sweetest and makes me proud every day. I get all excited and sometimes teary eyed when I see him figure out something new! It's just the greatest thing!!!

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