Thursday, September 25, 2014


Well, I am just so mad at myself. I took terrible photos in Blacksburg. I forgot my camera and C is in a no photo stage. So I apologize for the terrible and very few photos to follow.

We went to Blacksburg for a long weekend to go to the GT/VT game. Yes, that horrible, horrible game where VT blew it again. That's all I'll say about that.
We drove down Thursday night. Put C to bed in the car. He was an angel. Didn't cry. Transitioned well. It was great. A was exhausted driving that late, but he survived. The next day, we hit our spots - Mill Mountain for breakfast, Cabo for lunch, VT bookstore for hokie gear. 
That afternoon and night we had Ali's birthday dinner - 17 - holy moly!
BRETT CAME INTO TOWN (he had a game Thursday night, they won, so he had off all weekend - he got a ride to Richmond and Bhatta and Josh waited for him and brought him to Bburg - they are the best!). Bhatta and Josh came into town. Jackie came into town. Ryan came into town (for his first hokie experience). My cousin Ben and his friends came into town from GT. WE HAD A FULL HOUSE AND IT WAS GLORIOUS. So fun. I think C was a little overwhelmed. Not his house. Too many people. But he did ok considering. 
Game Day, we went to Mill Mountain (again), picked up Carol Lee's, and headed to the tailgate spot. Mom watched C. After the game/loss, we went to Cabo, again, and headed home to see C and watch football. We had plans to go out later, but we were all beat. Long and sunny day. 
Woke up and went to Mill Mountain AGAIN. Yes, again. And then we headed out. We drove to Richmond (3 hours) and C screamed the last 1.5 hours (on and off). We stopped, had lunch, watched football, and then got on the road again. C screamed for the last 2 hours, more on than off. A wanted to drive during the day so we didn't get back TOO late since he had to work the next day. Well, we will never do that again. It was miserable. Traffic was horrible. C was not happy. Not a good end to the trip. Then to top it all off, we came home to a flooded kitchen. EESH. 
While the ending STUNK.. and so did the loss, we had a great, GREAT weekend. I got to see so many people that I love and miss, we had awesome weather, it was just fabulous.

Post- Everything Bagel @ Mill Mountain

in toy HEAVEN in Mom's basement/playroom playing with all of B's old toys



sibling love

putting C on the growth chart :)

new/old ride toy :) Thanks, Mom... and Brett!

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