Monday, March 13, 2023

nine... almost ten

 When Colton was little, I used to keep track of the funny/cute things he said. For some reason, I stopped, but recently have a few to share, mainly so I just remember myself. 

Today while eating trail mix at the mountain Colton says, 'so what are we going to do about the chocolate shortage that's coming in 15 years? Should we start stocking up now? What will my birthday cake be?!'

He often says, 'what the bologna?' for what the heck.. but pronounces the 'g' -- also says, 'what the heck in the world?!' -- also says, 'holy smokes!'

Listening to the Fugees on the radio and he calls them the Fudges

Calls the spoiler of a car a tail feather

At 9, almost 10, Colton is obsessed with skiing (has officially declared it his favorite sport), loves Naked Juice, is mindful of eating healthy, salad is his favorite food, loves making up games (for instance made up a birdie/pickleball combo in the house with NJ... also a 4 part competition in which they demonstrate some sort of jumping/flipping skills onto a mattress on the floor... also in the dark hide and seek where they have all the lights out upstairs and have to find each other - I've played twice and it totally freaks me out - it is SO dark upstairs!), loves art, thinks school work is a waste of his time, wants to invent a windshield wiper attachment for ski goggles, is uber competitive, loves all sports, still loves doing yard work, not into having his photo taken, finally gave up daily naps, gets mad if he gets woken up, spends the bulk of his day outside, goes to bed early, sleeps in, only plays Legos if he can't play outside, and is a big reader. 

Can't actually believe he turns 10 in a few months. 

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