Thursday, October 13, 2016

Colton takes Portugal

...and quite the travel companion he was. He far exceeded my expectations. He adapted to the time difference better than expected. Did wonderfully on both flights. I see more international travel in his future.

The flight over was only 5 hours and 45 minutes (overnight). The lights were only off 3.5 of those hours. He slept the entire 3.5 hours. I was also able to doze a bit during that time. We landed at 7am and he was FINE! Total trooper. For a kid who is used to 11 hours or sleep/night, I expected to have a bit of a bear on my hands. Not the case at all. We taxied to the train station and immediately trained to Porto (3 hours). He was awake and happy the entire time. When we arrived, he took a 3 hour nap and was pretty adjusted. That night he went to bed at 8p and I woke him up the next morning at 10:30am. Pretty solid.

These pictures are randomly out of order... Above, Lisbon (the last 4 days of our trip). In both cities, Colton and his BLONDE hair got SO VERY MUCH ATTENTION. It killed him. Everyone rubbed his head. Everyone spoke to him in Portuguese. It was hilarious and painful all at the same time. While he didn't even realize it, he also ate for free at many of the restaurants because they just loved him and his blonde hair that much. 

No surprise, Colton LOVED Sarah. LOVED her. She spent so much time with him. She played with him. She was great. He's in love. Here they are, racing in the streets after eating their weight in gelato

 Watching sunset at the water/playing with diggers. Two of the days, Colton requested time with JUST mama, no Nicole, no Sarah, no baby Jason. I happily obliged.

 He is entertained the same everywhere - ATMs, parking meters, and chasing birds.

 The tuk-tuk tour we took through the city. Colton loved it and begged the driver to drive faster and crazier. He threw his hands in the air shouting, NO HANDS, almost the entire time.

 Chocolate gelato every night. Whoops :)

 the whole gang

 4 o'clock coffee and pastries and diggers. heaven.


Hard to believe if you know me at all, but we both slept peacefully in the same bed the entire trip. Maybe because we were both tired from the time difference. Whatever the case, it worked. The king euro-beds (two single side by side) probably  helped the siutation.

 We found the BEST coffee shop. Fabrica Lisboa. They had pretend telephones and nutella croissants and iberian ham croissants. Sold. Obviously.

 Random dance offs in the middle of the street with Sarah

 Poor kid had quite the accident in the middle of Plato Commercial - gravel got the best of him when chasing pigeons. It was ugly. His poor, poor chin.. Sarah was a trooper and wore a bandage with him :)

 Ate his weight in seafood. Surprise.

 Going up.

 More chocolate gelato at Mercado de Ribeira

 napping hard.

 checking out the famous bridges in Porto

 Port wine tasting - happily hanging out in the ergo

 'chooo chooo'

 best. traveler. ever.

 C loves cats. He also used 10 euro cents he found to buy himself a magnet (that was probably 5 euros).

More port tasting.

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