Thursday, December 11, 2014

18 Months Old

A year and a half?! Really? I feel so lucky we've already had a year and a half with him, but man, it feels like it was just yesterday that he came home!

Anyways, Colton is your typical toddler, your typical one and a half year old, your typical almost two year old boy who is crazy and trouble and just so stinkin' fun and cute you want to squeeze himmmmm.

He does some (lots) adorable things these days, including:

how he says 'one' or 'last time' or 'one last time' - he put up his index finger, indicating one, and presses it to his cheek. it doesn't mean one unless it's pressed in his cheek.

he wakes up in the morning and immediately asks for 'da da.' when i say he's at work, he moans for a minute, then asks for Ben instead.

he is obsessedddd with his 'boo' - boots. he wants to wear them all the time, including naps.

his good-byes are just adorable. he says, very loudly, 'muahhhh,' sometimes waves, sometimes blows a kiss, but says muah over and over and over again. he'll do this also if he's just done and letting me know he wants to leave. he also says bye to EVERYTHING - the tree, the dogs, his water cup, his toys, etc.

he runs away and hides when he has poop in his pants.

let's be honest, he just runs everywhere.

he shakes his head no, aaaaa lottttt.

he thinks raising the eyebrows is THE funniest thing. ever.

he gives me a kiss on the mouth every time i say, i love you.

he gives ben a kiss every time he sees him.

he has to have everything closed - the bathroom door, the dishwasher, the oven, you get the point.

he still loves to be outside. even in this cold. he will surprisingly keep on both gloves and a hat!

he is still such a reader.

he says 'wooowwww' every time we walk down the stairs and see the christmas tree.

he has a sweets (particularly cupcakes) problem.

he loves trucks. and trash. he has to point them out. all of them. over and over and over again. this gets to be really fun on wednesdays and fridays - trash and recycling days.

back in the day, 'hi' was his first word, but he stopped using it when he got so many signs. he now has words and signs - his first two words since hi were 'knee' and 'poop.' classic.

it took him a bit, but he finally got the two syllable 'uh-oh' down and it is THE cutest thing. he says it so softly and innocently. it's adorable.

every time he sees a santa (or a snowman?) he says, ho ho ho.

he shares, but ONLY WITH ben. it's hilarious. he'll get in a knock-down-drag-out with any/all of his other friends, then go and be so nice and peaceful about sharing with Ben.

he just finished the most ridiculous growth spurt - we're talking 6+ huge meals a day, TONS of sleep (14hrs at night, 3+ hour nap during the day). i measured him before, i measured him after - 3 inches (give or take bc he is scared of the measuring tape).

i'm sure i'm forgetting so many things actually worth sharing because it's 8 o'clock in the morning and i haven't seen him in over 12 hours, but this kid, he is just amazing. happy for the 18 months we've had so far.

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