Sunday, May 4, 2014

the Weekend (so far) + catch up

So far, we've had a great weekend. A was off on Saturday, so that was nice. Friday night was his late(r) night. Colton had gone to bed by 6pm (some nights even earlier) all week. But Friday night he was an animal and just playing happy as can be. Sooo I decided to stretch him. He stayed up until 730!! Wasn't fussy. Wasn't rubbing his eyes. He was up. And happy. He got to see A before he went to bed and it had been a few days since he saw him, so that was very nice. So we put him to bed and I walk out and say, I mean, I think C is going to sleep in tomorrow (he's usually up at 630/645). Was I wrong or was I wrong?! He woke up at 545 (and A says he heard him before that, I didn't though). What is it about this boy - the earlier he goes to bed, the later he sleeps! Cracks me up. So we woke up Saturday morning and said, welp, that's never happening again... until the next time. HA. It was nice that he was able to see A on Friday though, even if it was just for 10 minutes. 

Saturday morning was the annual AVAM Kinetic Sculpture Race. We have never seen it and it actually came by our house, so we stuck around in the morning to see it. IT WAS AWESOME. So very impressive. The race was followed by the Little League Parade where all the little teams walked down Riverside and there were a few marching bands (which were also VERYYYYY impressive - some craaaazy dancing). Colton was just loving it. He waved at every float that raced by, every person that walked by, adorable. 

After the race and parade, we walked around the Harbor to Pierce's Park where there was a live music/family friendly event. The Kinetic Race was passing by the park hours later. It was great. We walked over with Mike/Bailey/Ben and met Katie/Tim/Mary there. Also, a friend from college, her husband, and their 14 month old! We sat outside, had some good food truck food, listened to music, soaked up the sun, and let the babies crawl around. There were tons of kiddos and C loved watching them run around like crazy. 

After the park, we walked back home and went to Porter's with Ben/Bailey/Mike for the KY Derby. The boys were troopers, especially for having been gone all day. No one picked the right horse, but it was a good time still! C went to bed and A and I had a date night, which was almost a disaster. Colton actually woke up for the babysitter (which he has NEVER done before) and was upset. We think the babysitter may have jumped the gun in getting him, but who really knows. She calmed him down and he went back to sleep... but not before I felt like a really terrible mom for not being there. Of course this morning he wasn't traumatized - he was his happy, normal self. A said, well, it had to happen some time. Guess that's true. Last night was just the night. But man did I feel bad.

And now it's Sunday! Farmer's Market day and who knows what else?! Can you tell we are just really loving this weather... and loving this boy who is just a complete joy?! What did we even do without him?!

Waving at a kinetic sculpture. 

Asleep in the ergo.. and then in the stroller. What a trooper, taking his nap on the go!

With Crystal and Lilly

Just cracking up!

Just some of the incredible kinetic sculptures, racing down Riverside Avenue. 

We got a new sandbox out front! C lovesssss to sit out front and wave at all the people that pass by, but now that it is Spring and we have flowers, he also likes pulling out the dirt, eating it, and the flowers. So I decided to put sand in this planter instead of flowers and some sand toys. It is a HIT. Loves it. 

Ben got a new patio! And let me tell you, it is wonderful. They got these awesome almost rubber tiles and the boys can crawl all around and not hurt their knees (Colton doesn't have to do his funny cement crawl - hands and feet, sans knees). Friday night Mike and A both had later nights, so Bailey and I sat out on the patio for a few hours and the boys just played. It was glorious. So now I'm on a patio mission for our own house!

And before I forget, I was laughing this week because Colton HATES being in the grass. He likes sitting on the cement and crawling over to the grass, picking it up, eating it, but he does not like to sit in it AT ALL. In fact, he actually cries. Guess he's a city kid!

And now, catch up time!

The boys, below, climbing the stairs. Or rather, Colton trying to teach Ben to climb the stairs! This was before the baby gate went up, obviously, and now poor Colton's life is such a bore :)

He figured out how to pick up the water bowl... EVEN with water in it!
And he likes to help unload/climb in the dishwasher.

These two boys are absolutely adorable together. When I say Ben, Colton looks around for him. HE KNOWS Ben. And Bailey. And loves them both. Since Ben just learned to crawl, he's a little slower than Colton, but he just follows him around all day. I love it. 

helping Dad put up the baby gate. 

Trying to put his pants on. 

Realizing the baby gate only works when it's shut!

love these boys!


SO very happy with himself for climbing up the stairs. 

Fallen cherry blossom petals... kinda like snow. C was not a fun though. 

Aw look at that sweetie <3

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