Monday, January 9, 2017

Turks & Caicos

Our flight over was EMPTY! It was crazy. We've never been on such an empty flight. Colton taking advantage of having an entire row :)

Colton met the cutest girl at the resort, Rebekah. They played together for 8 days, non stop. They played SO well together -- it was amazing for A and I! Haven't seen him get along so well with someone since Ben. 

Partly I think because of Rebekah, Colton got MUCH more adventurous in the water. Swam around with only a noodle, went in alone, etc.

'Robo arms'

Fighting each other with 'robo arms'

Colton was introduced to Speculoos. He was in love. Surprise.

Colton ate tuna nigiri (sushi) every single night.

The T&C airport was bonkers, but at least he had fun.

We were so very surprised and lucky that our flight landed in Boston despite the blizzard! However, because of the craziness at the airport, we were stuck on the plane for almost 2 hours. At that point, the blizzard was centered on Cape, so we decided to stay the night in Boston at a hotel. For being SUCH an amazing traveler, Colton got to pick dinner... he chose chocolate cake. Is anyone surprised?! This was him, in heaven, at 8:15pm (9:15 island time), eating his chocolate cake, at a restaurant, after having no nap. TROOPER.

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