Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

This year, like last, everyone (minus Maddie and family) headed to Katie's for a pre-trick-or-treating Halloween get together. The group is SO much bigger this year! Yay for new friends. Unfortunately, A was on call so he didn't get to see everyone in their costumes or C in his doctor costume WITH ambulance. The kiddos were all great. Surprisingly well behaved for dinner time. We hung out for an hour and a half, took a photo, and then we went trick-or-treating with Peter, Mary Grace, and Celia. SOMEHOW Colton new what candy was (I mean, really, I can't remember the last time I ate or even held/saw a candy bar) and BEGGGGGGGEEDDDDDD for it. So I let him have one piece. Well, that did it. He took every piece out of his bucket and when I said no, ate it THROUGH THE PLASTIC WRAPPER. 4 pieces (Mind you, these are small, Halloween sized pieces of candy, but still). After that, we had to trick-or-treat and forgo the candy (no leftovers for Dad - sorry!). We were able to see all the neighbors and many of the people that we see at the park everyday! C's costume was a HIT and soo many people took his photo (not his thing!). We got home and he was THRILLED to have some alone time, some quiet. I thought for sure he'd go to bed early, afterall, the day was crazy busy and exhausting. The candy, however, reallllllyyyyy did a number on the little man. He was INSANE. He was jumping up and down on the couch (literally), screaming (with joy), running, and more. It was so crazy. I have never never never ever seen him this way before! I tried to FaceTime with A so he could witness our wild child, but he was busy, so I called Mom. At least someone witnessed my child on his intense sugar high. Finally, he crashed... and so did I. No more candy for this guy!

The group - thank you Jess!

C, Ben, Evers, Ryan, Decker, Celia, Peter, Mary Grace, Liam, Jackson, Mary
(missing Maddie)


Just a duck, pushing a doctor, in an ambulance, in the middle of the road!

Climbing up the stairs to knock on the door!


Trick-or-Treating with Peter and Celia

2013 above, 2014 below. Wow.

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