Friday, April 18, 2014

10 Months Old

Well, it's been a week, but we've been crazy busy and I wasn't able to put up pictures!
Ten months old! A yesterday said, almost one year old, and eek, it's true! Ahh!
And as usual, I can't believe it. And I couldn't decide which pictures to put up!

At ten months old...
The absolutely adorable head tilt is no more. So if you got to see it, count yourself lucky.
He has SIX teeth!
He waves. 
He gives hi-fives.
The picky food stage is no more, hallelujah (although who knows when that will resurface)!
He lovesssss cheese, but it doesn't love him.
Also loves fruit, eggs, and peanut butter.
Always wants a bite of what you're having - sound like A, or what?!
Still a thumb sucker.
He is slow to warm up in groups. 
Loves other babies. 
Loves being outside. 
LOVES when he gets to see A. 
He knows what 'no' means and gets very mad when you say no to something.
For the most part, there is no longer, out of sight out of mind for him.
He recognizes so very much, for instance, when we go over to Bailey and Ben's house (almost everyday), at the front door, he KNOWS where we are and he gets all excited for her to open the front door. It's very cute. 
He is very attached to me, but with Bailey, he is comfortable and ok for me to leave him.
Still sleeps like a champ at night and would prefer to go to bed at 6:15. We stretch him and he does excellent, but if he was picking, 6:15 it is. 
I'd say my favorite 'trick' is the wave. He just throws his hand up in the air, fingers spread, no movement, just a hey, what up. And now, when we're outside and there are people coming, if he doesn't see them immediately and I say, 'say hi,' he looks all around for people, finds them, and then waves. A pretty consistent sound (haaaaa, in a deep baby voice) usually accompanies the waves. Really I think he is trying to say hi. Maybe I'm just that parent that thinks my kid is smarter than he is, but I swear! Is 10 months old to early for a word? 
I could go on.. and on really. 

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