Friday, January 10, 2014

7 Months Old!

No, I haven't forgotten his birthday.. I know he's 7 months TOMORROW. But A thinks my photo shoots are ridiculous, so I had to do the photos today. 

Reading his favorite book. And concentrating. And touching. And tasting.

I have teeth.... and chins!!

Seven Months Old.
I can hardly believe it. 
What can I say about this 7 month old boy? Oh, lots. 

He has two teeth! And boy are they sharp
He has SO much more hair, but it is hard to see b/c it's so very blonde
His favorite book: That's Not My Dinosaur
His favorite toy: the New York Times - yep, he gets black hands on the daily
He also just loves his whale mobile
And the fish lava lamp.. yes, we have a fish lava lamp, let's not say anymore
Thankfully, his interest in TV has waned
He loves his own feet, as well as everyone elses
He is an eating machine. I'm having trouble keeping up these days
He is also very interested in our food and wants a taste and sip of everything
He loves to stand
He sleeps like a champ, both at night and nap time (yep, thankful and lucky Mama I am)
He lights up the second A gets home
Loves Riva
Could care less about Boston.. still
He is still unable to go from laying to sitting, but he is working hard at it
And working so very hard at crawling
He scoots backward
He gets up on all fours
He can pull to stand, but doesn't do it all the time
He can go from sitting to laying, but it's not the most graceful
He does this crazy yelling thing - it's LOUD! And it's not when he's unhappy! It's for fun and hilarious!
He started this new leaning forward and peering around the corner look. It's adorable
He loves having his back and neck rubbed
Hates being tickled - still holds his breath if you try
Loves other babies

1 comment:

  1. tell Alexander to hush! and keep taking pics of that baby!
